We offer service manuals in the original design (highest quality reproductions) for all Wurlitzer models manufactured by “Deutsche Wurlitzer GmbH” and of the American “Wurlitzer Company”. Please let us know your needs.
Our complete listing of service manauls will follow soon. We also offer service manuals for nearly all jukeboxes of the American manufacturers like AMI, Rock-Ola, Seeburg etc. and for the jukeboxes made in Germany like Bergmann, NSM, Tonomat, Harting, Wiegandt, Beromat etc. We offer several manuals fpr jukeboxes of some other European manufactueres like Jensen or Jupiter. Please let us know what you are looking for.
Nsm Juke 2000 Manual Online
Shipments to US, Canada and Australia: due to the crisis, there are currently restrictions on shipping. Until further notice, therefore, no consignments are possible.We maintain all orders and notify you as soon as there are changes to the restrictions. Dismiss
Nsm Jukebox Repair
The NSM Juke 2000 is a relatively compact, wall-mounted jukebox which holds 50 CDs and boasts one of the fastest CD loaders in the business - the MBC 3 player. Title cards are displayed behind a rectangular window and selections are made using the push button panel at the bottom right of the cabinet.
- The Grand Performer 2000 CD Jukebox coin-operated Music by NSM (circa 1980), and it's history and background, photos, repair help, manuals, for sale and wanted lists, and census survey is brought to you by The International Arcade Museum at the Museum of the Game.
- We now carry the full line of Engineer's Manuals for ALL Seeburg 1000 Background Music Systems BMS1 & BMS1XT BMS2 ENCORE BMC1 & BMC1A BMU10 Jukebox Arcade is the ONLY PLACE, these elusive manuals can be found, these are complete manuals and include all schematics, parts lists, care, maintenance, lubrication, assembly including exploded views, parts accessories, set up and so much more!